ISLHD Community Mental Health (Adult) - Model of Care / Service Provider Consultation

Over the next few months, the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) Community Mental Health Service (Adult) will be reviewing, designing and implementing their Model of Care (Moc).

Consultation has already commenced, and as a key stakeholder, you are invited to complete a survey to contribute to ISLHD's understanding of the relationships and partnerships between their two services. ISLHD have engaged the expertise of Professor Peter McGeorge to lead the process.

The key principles and concepts of the MoC will be based:

  • Recovery focused
  • Person centred
  • Trauma informed
  • Adaptable and flexible to meet local needs
  • Integrated and standardised
  • Evidence based
  • Supports a collaborative integrated method of working
  • Supports safe, quality care for patients
  • Supports safe transfer and continuity of care
  • Supports keeping people healthy in the community and reduces the risk of avoidable hospitalisations
  • Supports skilled multi-disciplinary workforce
  • Is culturally responsive

ISLHD is very excited to be moving towards operationalising the Community Mental Health (Adult) MoC, and to that end, they are seeking your support and contribution to what you see to be important for them to understand from a key stakeholder and operational perspective, and what opportunities a shift towards a new way of working will present.

Complete the survey now and have your say: